toggle press

What Is a Toggle Press? How Does It Work, Uses, and Benefits

Toggle press aka Dumbell punch press has become a common name in manufacturing units dealing with cable, rubbers and plastics. There’s a scientific explanation behind its corporation but before diving deep into toggle press, one should be versed with the terms like tension and tensile testing.

In simple terms, tension is the force applied to a piece of cable in the form of stretching, pulling,  or compressing. Tensile tests, hence, allow you to assess the ability of a piece of wire to endure tension in varying conditions. You do not want the cable to break or crack, or you do not want the insulation to come off when the cable is subjected to tension.

Tensile testing is the test that tests with the cables’ stretchability and material elongation properties.  Tensile strength is the maximum force (or stress) that can be exerted on the material before it breaks or fails before the deformation takes place permanently on the cable. The point at which the deformation occurs is called the yield point of the material. During any tensile test there are other factors too that can be measured such as Young’s Modulus, Tensile Strains and Elongation.

Tensile testing - cablemeasurement

Why perform a tensile test?

  • Ensures product quality
  • Develops new materials
  • Develops new processes
  • Compares different materials and processes
  • Selects the most appropriate materials for applications
  • Predicts the behavior of a material under other types of loading and stress conditions
  • Gauges the maximum strength a product can withstand
  • Evaluates stress performance under different environmental Conditions

Specimen preparation – a dog bone or a dumbbell as a sample?

Usually, the specimen you choose for a tensile test is in the shape of a dog bone. The central portion of   the specimen, also called the gage section, is narrower than the two ends. It also appears like a dumbbell in shape. Organizations like ASTM, ISO, DIN, IEC, etc., have specified the shape and the dimension of the specimen.

Diagram of specimen used in tensile test

Why this particular shape?

The ends are wider to concentrate stress in the middle of the sample when testing. As stress forces are applied, the middle of the gage section tends to fracture away from the ends. If the wire begins to crack or break, it means it has reached its maximum tensile capability. It is essential that the fracture happens in the middle area and not near the corners. If the fracture occurs near one of the corners, it could mean that the specimen was not loaded properly; it does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with the material.

The shape of the wire decides whether the tensile specimens are round or rectangular. The specifications are determined according to the IEC 60811-501 or ASTM D638-14 recommendations. Special machines are used for cutting the specimens in the dumbbell shape. Dyes are used in maintaining the required dimensions.

Dumbbell Punching Machine-

Dumbbell specimens are thus created using a dumbbell punch machine or a toggle press. It is an equipment that exerts pressure on the cable sample and the fixed dye lets the cable sample cut in the shape of ‘dog bone’ or ‘dumbbell’.

Dumbbell Making Machine is engineered to produce precisely shaped specimens for tensile testing. It ensures the accurate punching of rubber, plastic, leather, and other materials into dog bone or dumbbell shapes, adhering to established standards. This precision aids in reliable tensile testing and quality assurance, making it an essential tool for any testing lab or quality control department.

How to use a Toggle Press:

Step 1

Place the plastic blocks on the work platform

Step 2

Place the test piece flat on the plastic backing plate

Step 3

Place a suitable cutter on the test piece

Step 4.

Turn the disk clockwise for punching.

Step 5

Take out the test piece

Benefits of Dumbell Press-

  1. Versatile Material Compatibility : With the advanced dumbbell press, preparation of varied material ranging from rubber to plastics, soft or semi rigid materials can be made by punching method.
  2. Precision Punching : With the weight pressure of 1 ton, precise punches and specimens are obtained from the toggle press, making them a go tool for – elongation and tensile tests. 
  3. Powerful Magnet Hold : Most of the punch presses in the markets have a powerful magnet holding capacity that keeps the dyes in position giving the specimens uniform and precise shape.
  4. High Durability : Ergonomically designed, these hydraulic presses are built to last long making it an investment for the manufacturer. 

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